Looking for a story?

Well, when should I start...
October 10th 1994, Brazil.
We hear a baby's cry. He's a libra and also one of the last 90's kids who'd stay the whole day outside, hurting his knees and making up stories with his friends. After rewatching Hercules for the 60th time, young Lucas, about 5 now, would go to his room. Pretending to be asleep he'd assigning rolls for his toys until the infinity and beyond.
2017. Holding up high a degree on Advertising and Marketing
FACAMP helped him work on his creativity side and realize Storytelling is his passion. As the light shines on his eyes, we see something is coming, something bigger. 
A plane lands. It's the last week before autumn in Los Angeles.
Driven by his passion, Lucas finds himself living his dream and starting his studies on Filmmaking, at New York Film Academy LA
We see some shots of Lucas writing stories late at night in his bed. Filming at Universal Studios Backlot. Directing. Editing...
Fast forward a bit...
The lights strikes.
We see Lucas astonished. 
He had always aimed for this moment.
Everything seems to be in slow motion. 
We hear the applauses all around the theatre. 
As he get's up his chair and goes up those stairs,
a mix of emotions and memories strikes him. 
We see flashes of the movies he made,
from the last one, to the first. 
All he's been through,
all the places he has been, his experiences,
his jobs  and most important:
the people who helped him get where he was.

All lead up to this moment.
Lucas Motti holds that heavy golden statuette.

To be continued...
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